Who are we? We are service club committed to family, community, and country.

Commitment to Family
We are committed to strengthening not only our own families, but all families. To this end, we focus on supporting the youth and children in our community. We believe that the youth of our community are the future of our community. We invest ourselves in programs that build and encourage our youth that their future, and our community’s, would be brighter.

Commitment to the Community
The Lewiston-Auburn community where we live is the focal point for our efforts. Our projects are targeted to the needs of our community. We believe that we have a responsibility to serve our community. We raise funds to support local programs doing the difficult and important work of community building. We also give of ourselves, volunteering our time to come alongside our neighbors.

Commitment to Country
We are committed to our country. We are proud to join veterans in promoting Americanism as the rich blessing of democracy and freedom. We understand that the freedom and greatness we enjoy today were hard-won and must be cherished and protected. We seek to recognize those who have given of themselves to secure our freedom, and encourage all in our community to carry on their mission.
To learn more about our parent organization, the National Exchange Club, please visit their website: https://www.nationalexchangeclub.org/